彩绘西西里篮(2款可选) Sicilian basket with painting
彩绘西西里篮(2款可选) Sicilian basket with painting
彩绘西西里篮(2款可选) Sicilian basket with painting
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品牌:Ceramiche Artistiche Ferrarella

配送信息:预计4周(制作时间2周 + 运输时间1周 + 清关时间1周)



Sicilian basket with painting(2 types)

Description: Although nowadays this basket is mainly used for decoration purposes because of its nice look, it was originally a traditional and very useful tool from the countryside: in fact, it was the basket used to carry food for farmers and animals. Farmers used to fill it with straw or hay and then tied it to horses or donkeys' necks.

Origin: Italy

Brand: Ceramiche Artistiche Ferrarella

Delivery term: 4 weeks approx. (2 week for production + 1 week for shipment + 1 week for customs clearance)

Dimensions: 28*18cm (including handles)

Weight: Around 2.79 Kg


"费拉雷拉陶艺 "实验室介绍

Introduction of the laboratory “Ceramiche Artistiche Ferrarella”

"Ceramiche Artistiche Ferrarella "陶瓷艺术品实验室于2009年在意大利西西里岛的Alcamo市成立;每件手工艺品都是全手工创造和装饰的。热情和承诺使该实验室在设计和制造方面不断追求卓越,以不断改进他们的创作。女性非常注重细节,实验室就是一个完美的例子,在那里工作的所有艺术家都是女性。实验室的女士们极富驱动力,创造力和艺术激情。实验室的座右铭是:总是不断寻找新的方法,为艺术爱好者创造艺术作品。每天都在尝试创新的装饰技术,以创造独特的艺术作品,这些作品将成为古老而高贵的艺术的不可复制的珍品该实验室视为使命。

“Ceramiche Artistiche Ferrarella” ceramic artwork laboratory was established in 2009 in Alcamo city on Sicily island in Italy; every handicraft is entirely created and decorated by hand. Passion and commitment make the laboratory constantly pursue excellence both in design and manufacturing, in order to continuously improve their creations. Women pay great attention to details and the laboratory is a perfect example of this, as all the artists working there are female. The ladies of the laboratory are extremely passionate, ambitious and creative. The laboratory’s motto is: always keep finding new ways to create works of art for art lovers. The laboratory’s mission is to experiment day by day innovative decoration techniques in order to create unique art pieces which shall become unrepeatable treasures of an ancient and noble art.   


Characteristics of Ceramiche Artistiche Ferrarella’s items:

- 重量可能会有所不同。这取决于粘土的厚度和干燥过程。

- 所有物品都是独一无二的,因为它们是全手工制作,所以即使是两件或更多件相同的物品,看起来也不会完全一样。

- 没有立等可取的现货,库存始终为零,因为每件物品都是按订单生产的。

- Weight may vary. It depends on the thickness of the clay earth and on its drying process;   

- All items are unique as they are completely hand-made so even two or more pieces of the same item will never look exactly the same;

- There are no immediately available items, stock is always zero as every item is made-to-order.


Introduction of the founder, Caterina Ferrarella


Mrs. Caterina Ferrarella inherited her passion for manual work and art from her family. Caterina was just a little girl when she learnt how to play with crochet hooks, knitting needles and white bread crumbs to create small flowers, nests and other little handworks: the sense of art was already alive in her hands, although she was still unaware of it. Later on she started to approach drawing, painting and decoration, cultivating these passions to express her personality and feelings. After being a full-time mother for several years, in the early 1990s Caterina with one of her friends began to work with salt dough, then with corn dough and after that with wood dough. Among her first creations, collection dolls were unmatched and particularly successful. In the early 2000s Caterina discovered her passion for ceramic, then she decided to realize her dream: opening her own art lab including many different expressions of creative arts. In 2008 Caterina fulfilled her dream which had already become reality. In the past few years the laboratory started becoming quite popular overseas as well; while remaining 100% Italian, the laboratory has also been exporting to the United States, France and Poland.


Historical facts about Sicily


It is the biggest island in the Mediterranean Sea. In ancient times, thanks to its central position, it was always a connection point for different civilizations. In the years, it used to be Phoenician, Greek, Byzantine, Arabic, Norman, Aragonese, Spanish, Savoy, Austrian and Bourbon but never lost the peculiar features of its unique history: for centuries, it has kept intact the traditions and spirituality of its people, expressing them inside their language, traditions and arts. To those who wish to visit Sicily, this island offers its thousand-year old history, its amazing landscapes, its volcanic nature which created hot springs and fango as well as its rugged coastlines with their small coves. The surrounding smaller islands with their extraordinary beauty and wonderful seaside also belong to Sicily island.










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We guarantee that the products of this store are all original, not fake, and legally imported. No returns after sales. We do not apply the “Return for no reason within 7 days” policy.

28*18 cm
2.79 Kg
Ceramiche Artistiche Ferrarella
配送情况/Delivery term
4周/4 weeks